Wow, looks like a post from 2008 has made its way onto this page
(expensive subscription? even at the shitty exchange rate we have over here at the moment it still only works out a £5.66 a month. Hardly breaking the bank it is?)
Lets be honest, no one takes his opinion of motorsport seriously, and he has some experience of that. I wont be listening to a word he says on football.
Well you need to take you biased glasses off then. It was a very decent performance. We should have finished them off, that's for sure, but we played pretty bloody well. Hardly what I'd call atrocious by any means.
It wouldn't be that surprising really. USA are hardly weak. Anyone that can be the only team to beat Spain in god knows how long and can go 2-0 up against Brazil in a final have got to be taken seriously.
Not a great bunch of individuals, but very strong as a team.
To be honest I don't even think about it when I'm racing. First time i joined iRacing it was all i could think about and it totally ruined the racing for me. Now I just race and usually I end up with very few incidents. It would be great to get a run of ten incident free races, but that's never what I'm thinking about in the heat of the battle